I am not a recruiter. There, I said it. I do a lot of my
work in a recruiting department, and spend a lot of time with recruiters and I
have been a recruiter in the past. But right now I am doing technology,
strategy and business stuff, not the whole recruiting thing.
But once you recruiting in your blood it is hard to
forget. It's a lot like sales but with two smiling faces instead of one (since
in recruiting you always have two customers: the candidate and the hiring
manager). You can go on to start companies and do all sorts of things, but you
never forget the high of helping a great person find a job, or connecting two
great people so that they go start something great. I think it’s one of the
coolest ways known to wo/man to make the world a better place.
It’s with that in mind that I have started a new blog:
TuSK. TuSK stands for Talent u Should Know. As I explain on the site, TuSK is
about introducing you to:
- People who I have worked with who I think are great, and
- People who I trust and respect, and
- People who the people I trust and respect know
In other words, it’s an informal network of at most one
degree of separation. Sometimes you will see a short note from me about
somebody I think you should know. Sometimes you will see a note from that
person themselves (that note can cover any topic of their interest as long as
they think it serves as a way to get to know them better). Other times you will
see people I trust and respect writing about great people they know. But no
matter what, if you are reading about someone on TuSK he or she is a person I
am willing to champion and spend time on.
There aren’t many rules, but the few that exist won’t be
- If I don’t know you, introducing yourself via email won’t
qualify as “friendship.” To be a guest author or otherwise be in the TuSK
spotlight I need to really get to know you. You figure out how (hint: email always works better than phone or voice mail).
- No fees, no time, no way. Don’t even think about writing
me to put someone on if you will get paid for it sometime later. This is a way
of building a value network, not of getting my friends rich. If I find out you are pushing people for monetary gain you will be deleted as an author.
- If you like the site, think about using the “Tip Jar” on
the left hand column. It will help me cover the costs of the site.
- All posts are approved by me before they go out, so if I
don’t like it, I won’t post it. No exceptions.
- I reserve the right to change, add, delete, modify, color and flaunt the rules however I see fit. No whining!
Otherwise let’s have at it and see if we can’t all
introduce each other to the great people we know.
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