In the last post I previewed my goals for this blog. My design is to be explicit about what I am trying to achieve so that readers can give me feedback that helps me continuously improve. Of course not all feedback will be valuable, but when appropriate I will be explicit about what I accept and why.
One way to ensure that we use our time wisely is to be explicit about what I believe to be true. I will start with my beleifs about hiring. If you don't share my beleifs, you likely won't accept my proposals for our shared goals and problems. If we aren't open to each other's beliefs, we will talk past each other, wasting time.
As with the rest of this blog post Reboot, I will evolve as I learn. As of now, my beliefs about the importance of hiring:
- Hiring the right person for a job is the most important thing you can do for your business, and one of the most important things you can do for for everyone who applied for the job.
- There are many reasons that businesses fail. But the most common, predictable and avoidable reason is bad hiring.
- Bad hiring is not bad luck. It is the predictable outcome of bad thinking and bad practices.
Please reflect and ask yourself whether you agree with these beleifs or not. If not, why? Your thoughts are welcome in the comments section.
Beleifs should lead to "principles", or basic truths or theories that clarify appropriate actions. I first tried to clarify the principles of Talentism almost 8 years ago. I believe most of those principles are still worthy of consideration. But they lacked rigor and cohesion, consistent with my overall observation about this blog in my last post.
Because principles are important to guiding change, I am going to approach their development differently than 8 years ago. I will introduce a concept that is consistent with my purpose, goals and beliefs. We will explore that concept together. When the principle related to the concept is clear to me, I will publish it. Of course I always reserve the right to change as I learn more and grow.
A final note: I understand that this is dry. There are three reasons for that:
- I am out of practice. It will take some time to find my voice.
- A broader audience requires a different approach.
- My goal is sustained change. Emotion can start change, but rarey sustains it. Hearts and minds are needed. I am focusing on minds first.
Thank you for your patience as I improve.
Next Post: Reasons for Hiring Beliefs