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November 09, 2009


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Jeffrey Heath

Jeff Hunter

You piece is well written and timely. I have been in the search business for 28 years specializing in Consumer Electronics and emerging technologies (including CEDIA & Pro). As most people spending this much time, hopefully perfecting your skill, you have to evolve. I hear much about “back to the basics” and while using your analogy the driving I learned years ago is the same but I chose not to drive a 1954 or 1975 car, I want a more efficient model. You are correct in that many in my profession are still taking (job) orders and not looking for how to solve the problem; such as why have there been 4 people in the position in the last 8 years? Or why is the hiring manager leaving it to HR alone to find his next employee. The problem we face is the on-boarding process is broken and out dated and the reason why we have such high turnover of new employees within the first 18 months of employment. I believe the most important decision a hiring manger has is to be part of the process to insure the right person is hired. Having said that I also believe this is where a reasonably competent recruiter can assist. We will not take a search assignment where the hiring manager refuses to be an integral part of the process. We also believe that the time we spend upfront with the client and everyone that has a vested interest in the new hire is the best use of our time and the most efficient in term of the search process. If wee want to see our profession evolve to be more consultative then we have to consult. I would welcome you to visit my web site www.landstonegroup.com and LinkedIn profile: http://www.linkedin.com/myprofile?trk=hb_side_pro
(Jeff Heath / Landstone Group)

Jeffrey A. Heath
The Landstone Group
Phone: (212) 972-7300 Ext. 201

e-mail: [email protected]
web site: www.landstonegroup.com

Recognized as an industry expert by The Wall Street Journal, Fortune, Business Week, NY Times, CBS, Fox, CNN, Associated Press and others http://www.landstonegroup.com/news.htm

Nirav Shah

Don't you think that recruiting is as much about personality matching as about skills matching? I may have two candidates who are equally matched in terms of skills but if I can't deal with one's personality, I won't hire him. How do you think a talented recruiter brings that aspect to the table?

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