You start a new project. The team sits down together and the narrative begins. The leader asks:
What, when, who, how and maybe why.
The leader is responsible for results. He wants action. The team wants approval. So everyone starts with what. What is tangible and deceptively easy to describe. No messy language, no feelings. Just rough descriptions punctuated with waving hands. The team is following the leader, the leader is fulfilled. The project starts.
The leader asks when? When are you going to give me what?
The team agrees, and the deadline is set. The people who are results focused start fantasizing about implementation details and heroic rescues. But some intrepid souls venture further.
“Who are our customers?” someone asks. Or maybe “Who will use this?”
The leader acknowledges the question. The brave soul is rescued. A quick answer ensues.
The critical project questions have now been answered. The experts are ready to deliver on how. They hope that how is delayed to another meeting.
And finally, drinking lattes and looking smugly at their new Volvo’s, a few tweed wearing bearded philosophical masochists ponder “Why?” But silently and with great confidence.
What, when, who, how, why. It’s the way it works. Except for one thing: it doesn’t work that well. Things are changing too fast. The project fails.
The new project team sits down. The new narrative begins.
Why, how, who, when, what…
Why would anyone start on a project without knowing the problem to be solved, or the opportunity that needs to be created? Why would anyone want to begin work without naming and considering the system? Why is purpose. Without purpose there can be no alignment. Without alignment there can be no success.
Purpose leads to potential. How is potential. Not how to get what done. How are we going to work with each other? How can I make you successful? How will we know when we are done? How will we let the insurgents in so we create the future, instead of repeating the past?
From purpose to potential to people. People are who. Who has the problem we are trying to solve? Or... who will be helped if we create this opportunity? Who are they? Do we know their stories? Are their stories heroic, desperate, banal or romantic? Who will our work matter to?
Purpose, potential, people and then place. When is place. Is this the right time to do this? Are stars in the system aligned? Is the environment right? Can we afford to wait? When would be better?
Purpose, potential, people, place and then finally, product. Product means what. If we know why we are here, and we know how we will work with each other, and we know who our work will matter to, and we believe that when is now… then what are we creating together? Only now should we focus on what. What is last. Because while what is what who will touch, why and how are how what has meaning when everything changes.
When time moves slowly, and there are powerful people and weak people, and the powerful can predict the future… then submit to “what first?”.
But when the clock spins faster, and the weak make your market and only the enlightened can tell you what tomorrow brings… then first ask why.
Welcome back. Hope all is well
Posted by: Gerry Crispin | June 25, 2009 at 05:27 PM
You can't first have a "why" without having a "what". The "what" is the goal, this frames everything else, if you don't have a goal, then how do you ask "why"?
If you don't have a "what" then "why" would you be sitting in a room discussing the work?
The correct sequence is what, why, when, who and ultimately how.
What is the goal
Why is the purpose
Who are the resources and
How is the project plan
Of course, I could be wrong - perhaps you could give me an example of a project that would start out with a "Why"?
cool stuff,
Posted by: Will at Virtualjobcoach | June 26, 2009 at 06:58 AM
You talk of a project with no goals and no end end date.
But america is exactly in that position in afganistan. What is the goal? what is the end date? What is the exit startegy?
perhaps you need to enlighten Obame?
Posted by: John Mcadams | July 10, 2009 at 06:57 AM