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September 13, 2006


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Brilliant. Practically a script for how I would like to handle calls from software sales personnell.

Amitai Givertz


Reading David Maister's post "Can We Be Manipulated" on his leadership blog - and the interesting comments - I was reminded of your post here.


Amitai Givertz

Hey, Jeff:

I guess I'm on a roll.

Nothwithstanding this may not be "an average" sales call, I found this on Colin Kingsbury's HRMDirect Blog, felt it would add to your thread:



Well aren't you the clever one, rooting out that salespersons desire to make a buck. So you work for free I suppose? Maybe you're just to bright to understand that you have a job due to those irratating sales people. Those sales people willing to go out and put up with a lot of crap so your company can survive. If you disagree then please show me one successful company that has no sales people.


sales people put up with very awkward customers like you, it's their job to generate business for companies and their job is as important as developing the damn software you use.


sales people put up with very awkward customers like you, it's their job to generate business for companies and their job is as important as developing the damn software you use.


sales people put up with very awkward customers like you, it's their job to generate business for companies and their job is as important as developing the damn software you use.


sales people put up with very awkward customers like you, it's their job to generate business for companies and their job is as important as developing the damn software you use.


ANybody can write theoretically about anything. The guy who writes it must not have faced the actual situation. Implementing something practically is much different. DO not write such crap in future.

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