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April 04, 2005


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Yeah, and the fact that any successful merger or acquisition has to have a point; one that creates a competitive advantage. "Being bigger" isn't a competitive advantage in many markets where compaq and HP were already competing (I think that's called cannibalism). The final company has to be better than the sum of it's parts. I'm not sure enough due diligence was done to ensure that scenario. But what do I know..I'm just a recruiter ; )

Doug Miller

This is so true. I managed a partnering relationship with HP in the early 90's when they were absolutely running in the Creative Age. They were my most fun partner! I worked for another not-to-be-named company that was acquired by HP in the late 90's. The company had sadly changed significantly by then. They weren't creative and they weren't fun. By the sounds of the quote from Michael Hurd, they are taking yet another giant step toward obscurity.

On a related note--I firmly believe this is what has happened between 2000 and today to corporate recruiting functions on a smaller scale. We have witnessed a massive shift of emphasis with efficiency (cost containment) triumphing over effectiveness (business impact). This too is a massive step backward and must be rectified. The discussions on your blog and Dave Lefkow's regarding the creation of effectiveness metrics is totally the right focus. And as you stated in an earlier blog--it is time to stop being recruiters focused only on efficiency and become talenteers focused on creating business impact!

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HP executive vice president Peter Blackmore called any comparison between HP's and Dell's software management strategies "apples and oranges."

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