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March 01, 2005


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Doug Miller

Well said Jeff! I 100% agree with you on all fronts. If the offer has to be approved anyway, the requisition is redundant. I would also expand your sales analogy to say that if companies spent half the effort creating a talent plan that they do create a sales forecast, and then execute to it--they wouldn't need requisitions they would be recruiting against a quota.

Read more in my post titled I Wish I Would Have Writtent This! at http://ontalent.typepad.com/ontalent/2005/03/i_wish_id_writt.html

Jim Durbin

Huzzah - clarity at last.

Requisitions are wish lists that pass all the levels of management approval, which is why they are so hard to fill exactly.

Give me a manager with a problem, and I'll find someone to solve that problem. Give me a manager with a requisition, and I'll throw resumes at him on the off chance that work I've done might pay off.

Chasing requisitions instead of needs is a symptom of a recruiter who doesn't have the confidence to bring in good business.

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